Whether you find yourself experiencing all these sign or just one, let Payne Chiropractic help. Call our Jackson, TN office today for free consultation (731)660-6212.

1. You have chronic pain in your joints and muscles.
2. You sit for long periods or perform repetitive tasks at work.
3. You experience low back pain when rising from a seated position.
4. Sharp pains shoots down your leg.
5. You suffer from tension headaches or migraines.
6. Your head is positioned forward rather than directly over your shoulders.
7. The soles of your shoes wear differently.
8. One of your shoulders is lower than the other.
9. An old injury hasn’t fully healed.
10. You can’t turn your neck as far in one direction, or raise one arm as high as the other.
11. Pain, achiness, stiffness or burning sensations come and go in parts of your body with no explainable ause.
12. You want to address joint or muscle pain naturally, without drugs or surgery.